Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Resolutions!

The past few years I haven't made any resolutions but for some reason there is so much I want to accomplish this year so I'm making a list!

1. Read my devotion everyday
2. Learn to Crochet
3. Make sure I give out birthday cards this year
4. Cook at least one recipe a month from my new Paula Deen Cookbook
5. Work on couponing more
6. Blog more
7. Take more pictures
8. Accomplish all of my resolutions

I probably have more resolutions that I just can't think of right now!
2011 was a rough year for us and I can't wait to start a fresh and brand new year! I hope each one of you have a terrific new year! What are some of your New Year's resolutions?

P.S. If you missed my Christmas post it's below this one!